This book is for anyone considering the journey through hip replacement or knee replacement.
This is best answered by an excerpt from Dr. Hugate's Introduction:
"The number of people worldwide considering joint replacement surgery is dramatically increasing. Based on 2007 statistics, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that, for the age group 45 to 65 years old, it’s likely that the number of knee joint replacement procedures in the United States alone for the year 2011 will be over 725,000 and hip joint replacement procedures will number over 260,000. This phenomenon has to do with a number of factors. In part, it’s due to advances in medicine over the last few decades. Life expectancies continue to rise and are now well into the 70’s in most developed countries… therefore more people are “out-living their joints.” In addition, enhanced expectations about the quality of life during the average person’s retirement years continue to be higher as well. So, although people live longer, they also expect to live better—and that’s where modern joint replacement procedures can help.
Another reason that we’re seeing a vast increase in the number of joint replacements performed in the United States is that the so-called “Baby Boomer” generation is coming of age. These are the folks most likely to consider joint replacement. The most commonly accepted definition of the years which bracket the Baby Boomer generation is anybody “born between the years 1946 through 1964”. These are mostly children of military service men and women who decided to start a new family upon their return from overseas conflicts. As I write this book, this group of Americans ranges in age from about 47 to 65 years old. If you’re reading this handbook, you’re most likely a member of the Baby Boomer generation.
We also wrote this book for family members and loved ones of those considering joint replacement surgery. Big decisions, such as the decision to undergo surgery, aren't made in a vacuum. The decision to have a joint replacement has to do with a number of factors and is fairly complex. The decision can (and does) also affect loved-ones in your life as they’re often called upon to help out physically and emotionally during recovery. Most of my patients depend on their immediate family and friends for advice and counsel regarding whether hip or knee replacement surgery is appropriate. Knowledge is power, and it is our hope that this book brings the complex subject of joint replacement into an understandable format with both the patient’s and doctor’s perspective, and allows people of all walks of life to make well-informed decisions about their medical treatment."