Francine Campone, Ed.D., MCC
Dr. Campone:
"The ability to bounce back from adversity- and more constructively- to think ahead and shift in advance of adversity, rests on elasticity of mind as much as quality of character and connection of spirit."
Francine shares her journey through two total hip replacements and also makes comments throughout the handbook.
She is an Executive and Personal Coaching for mature professionals making career and life transitions. She is no stranger to transitions herself, having moved from her hometown of Brooklyn, New York, to Rapid City, South Dakota, where she lived for 15 years before moving with her husband to Denver, Colorado. Francine's professional journey includes a thirty plus-year career in both Higher and Adult Education and Formal Coach Training, complemented by training in Humanistic Mediation, Group Dynamics and Facilitation, and Constructive Living Practice.
Francine believes that change can not only be managed but can be turned into opportunities that might have otherwise been missed. In 2001, she started her own small coaching and consulting company and enjoys her work with clients in the corporate, nonprofit and education sectors across the U.S. Her total hip replacement experience offered an opportunity to upgrade her physical self-care, lose weight and start a daily morning stretching routine. Francine is also a creative knitter on the journey of learning how to weave.