This nonfiction, informational and enlightening book's main objective is simple: to present the reader with an easy to understand resource on this complex and life changing subject matter.
Our objective is to present the information needed about hip joint replacement and knee joint replacement in an easy to read and easily understood format for the ordinary person considering hip replacement or knee replacement as a life-option in their future.
Robert also wanted to create a book to keep people from making the same mistakes he did when he chose his first surgeon. Accordingly, Dr. Hugate stepped in to help Robert make this book a positive and helpful manual.
It is unique in that it is written from the perspective of all the people typically involved throughout the hip replacement or knee replacement processes.
It is written at the average person’s’ level as an information resource concerning the journey through hip replacement and knee replacement from the points-of-view of: the orthopedic surgeon, a knee replacement patient, a hip replacement patient, the anesthetist and physical therapist. When it is required that we use technical language and/or medical jargon, these are accompanied by layman’s explanations and the jargon is deciphered. We have listened closely to our Focus Group, which triggered an extensive edit where we found matters needing further clarification.
The experiences of the two patients bring this joint replacement journey to life by framing it all in an easily read and quite enjoyable format. These professional caregivers and experienced patients have created a uniquely excellent work on this complex and often confusing subject. This book will guide the experienced, and inexperienced alike, in making all the best choices for the most excellent possible outcome, including helping their loved ones and personal caregivers on how to successfully navigate this life changing journey.
In summary, our collaborators have combined their experience, knowledge, talents, wisdom and qualifications to provide an easily understood and yet lighthearted, fun and informative look at the journey through total joint replacement. This handbook covers the technical aspects of the journey (when necessary) and—again—these are written in simple, easy to understand language.